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The Prisoner’s Dilemma

by Jennifer R. The Prisoner’s Dilemma is an interesting concept. It gets it’s name from the following example: 2 prisoners have been convicted of a crime. They are going to court, and they have no way to communicate with each other. Basically, their choice is: do they give evidence against the other? “Cooperate” with the…

What It’s Like To Have Synaesthesia

by Anonymous Synaesthesia is a condition where you have links between normally unrelated senses. For example, I see letters and numbers as coloured. However, some people smell sound and hear days of the week! I see letters, numbers and words as coloured. Most of the time I don’t even notice I’m doing it! For example,…

Please Read: Our Guidelines

By FreeWriter FreeWritingLife4U is an online database which anyone can contribute to. However, there are a few rules and guidelines I would like you to be aware of: 1. Please don’t judge. If you really disagree with a post, you can argue your point of view in the comments section. However, please do not resort…

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